Bolt On Wear Runners

Bolt On Wear Runners

Bolt On Wear Runners Available Now!

Spokane now makes replacement bolt on wear runners that are compatible with the Hensley industries weld-on base member. Use them to get extended wear life and protection on your wheel loaders, excavators, dragline buckets, or mining chutes with particularly abrasive materials and high impact areas. They are mechanically attached to a weld-on base for easy installation and change outs.

Bolt On Wear Runners Available Now!

Spokane now makes the Hensley Industries replacement bolt on wear runners. Use them to get extended wear life and protection on your wheel loaders, excavators, dragline buckets, or mining chutes with particularly abrasive materials and high impact areas. They are mechanically attached to a weld-on base for easy installation and change outs.

Success with Spokane

Spokane’s Si-Tec® Bolt-On Wear Runners have been responsible for 65% increase in wear life in some applications. In addition to the extended life, they helped to improve wear life in nearby support liners, leading to fewer shutdowns and increased uptime.

See our customer success story for additional details on how our bolt-on wear runners perform in a particularly challenging mining application.

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